电影 隐藏你的钱

隐藏你的钱 HD中字
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  • 隐藏你的钱

  • 片名:隐藏你的钱
  • 状态:已完结
  • 主演:奥雷利昂·维依科/
  • 导演:克洛德·皮诺托/
  • 年份:1994
  • 地区:法国
  • 类型:喜剧/
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:未知
  • 语言:法语
  • 更新:2024-04-29 21:18
  • 简介:  This French family film is filled with action, animals, adventure, and suspense. The story is told from a child's viewpoint. One day, while playing in his secret tree house in the forest, 11-year old Antoine spies upon bank robbers stashing 40-million francs worth of loot. One of the robbers is the father of his newest best friend Lisa, a 10-year old Canadian visitor. Not wanting to rat on her father, Antoine instead moves the money to a different spot. Neither he, nor Lisa have a lot of respect for their frequently absent fathers. They find adults to be inherently hypocritical. Both kids do share a love of animals though. Together, they decide to run away to Biarritz, a resort town, and start spending a little money. The thieves are livid when they discover their stash is missing, particularly Max, and they try, unsuccessfully to catch the kids. Antoine is assisted by his muscular governess Clemence as he and Lisa suffer through numerous narrow escapes while spending their ill-gotten gain. - Sandra Brennan, All Movie Guide
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  • HD中字
    2.0 萨尔加多的凝视(台)/大地之盐/地上的盐/TheSaltoftheEarth/
  • HD
    布米·佩德卡尔/拉吉·库玛/Apeksha Porwal/Chum Darang/古山·德瓦亚/谢巴·查达/西玛·帕瓦/Loveleen Mishra/Mushtaq Khan/Shah Emtiaj/Prashant Kumar/Hani Yadav/Nitish Pandey/Priyanka Charan/Nidhi Bhati/
  • HD
    5.0 佐藤二朗/伊东苍/清水寻也/森田望智/Shotaro Ishii/松冈依都美/成嶋瞳子/品川彻/Katsuki Suzuki/
  • 正片
    2.0 杜歌/包池/孙书磊/石运浩/
  • HD
    10.0 朱丽叶·比诺什/拉尔夫·费因斯/珍妮·麦克蒂尔/索菲·沃德/西蒙·谢泼德/杰瑞米·诺森/
  • 已完结
    10.0 世界上最长的写真//The/Longest/photo/in/the/world/
  • 正片
    3.0 :颜敬杰/
  • HD
    Vincent Lee Alston/Daniel de Weldon/Rebekah Lynn Dow/
  • HD
    5.0 菠萝快递/菠萝特快/
  • 正片
    1.0 佩德罗·卡萨布兰科/格拉西亚·奥拉约/朱利安·洛佩兹/玛丽维尔·贝尔杜/亚历山德拉·希门内斯/丹尼·罗维拉/劳·阿尔贝特/Gonzalo·de·Castro/莫里亚·波塔斯/Carlos·Zabala/
  • 已完结
  • HD
    Murat Kiliç/Gulcin Kultur Sahin/Mert Ates/Onur Gökçek/Baran Can Eraslan/Bilen Bilmen/Hasan Aslangiray/Didem Ellialti/Emre Erdogdu/Nazli Bulum/Fikret Karol/Dilara Akin/Abdurrahman Yunusoglu/Bengü Bektas/Ezgi Sözmen/Murat Çelik/Saniye Samra/Tufan Afsar/Sede/


  • HD
    6.8 商蓉/张超/纳伊莎/方安娜/贺镪/臧金生/刘广厚/戴明/
  • HD
    9.3 飘零燕(港)/海蒂/阿尔卑斯山少女海蒂/
  • HD
    8.3 越过愤怒的河/你一定要趟过愤怒的河/Arrest/Manhunt/Hot Pursuit/Big Pursuit in Hokkaido/
  • HD
    7.8 四姊妹/Four Sisters/Sister Hills/Shimaizaka/
  • HD
    7.9 爱之物语(台)/情义两心知/Fall Guy/
  • HD
    6.6 阻魔特攻/鬼哭狼嚎/人狼传说/野狼兄弟会/狼妖/Brotherhood of the Wolf/
  • HD
    8.5 Boat People/
  • HD
    8.5 Boat People/
  • HD
    艾丽西亚·维坎德/裘德·洛/埃迪·马森/萨姆·赖利/鲁比·本特尔/艾琳·多尔蒂/西蒙·拉塞尔·比尔/布瑞恩尼汉娜/阿马尔·维克德/帕齐·费伦/安迪·M·米利根/Mina Andala/安娜·毛恩/Edward Harrison/保罗·廷托/伊恩·德赖斯代尔/Paul Candelent/
  • HD
    6.4 Infiltration/Своя война/渗透/Своя/война./Шторм/в/пустыне/




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