连续剧 双面女间谍第五季

双面女间谍第五季 第03集
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  • 双面女间谍第五季

  • 片名:双面女间谍第五季
  • 状态:已完结
  • 主演:詹妮弗·加纳/朗·瑞弗金/迈克尔·瓦尔坦/
  • 导演:肯·奥林/
  • 年份:2005
  • 地区:美国
  • 类型:欧美/
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:未知
  • 语言:英语
  • 更新:2024-04-29 11:34
  • 简介:  Sidney Bristow is a college student who has an unusual job – she is a spy working for the CIA under secret conditions where not even her friends knows what she does. When her boyfriend proposes Sydney tells him what she does for a living and her employers kill him in line with procedures. Deciding to leave the agency before they kill her too Sydney discovers that she has actually been working for SD6, an agency that is actually a shadowy criminal organisation world-wide. Sydney joins the CIA and works as a double agent to help CIA Agent Vaughn to bring down SD6. She finds that her father is the other double agent within SD6 and the pair work together. While following her missions to uncover the work of the prophetic Rambaldi she must feed information back to the CIA without blowing her cover.
首页 连续剧 双面女间谍第五季


  • 全6集
    4.0 马丁·弗瑞曼/艾美达·斯丹顿/希欧布罕·芬内朗/乔·阿布索隆/丹尼尔·贝茨/安娜·威尔逊-琼斯/奥文·亚瑟/西蒙内·拉赫比比/加里·奥利弗/伊恩·普莱斯顿-戴维斯/卡尔·法雷尔/奥拉·希尔/艾芙琳·霍斯金斯/多米妮克·摩尔/史蒂芬·萨姆森/妮拉·阿利亚/简·佩里/吉姆·皮多克/瑞秋·申顿/克里斯托弗·富尔福德/
  • 已完结
    10.0 More Than Blue More than Blue The Series/
  • 已完结
    4.0 聊斋1//新版聊斋/
  • 已完结
    5.0 松重丰/若月佑美/今井悠贵/芋生悠/加藤小夏/泷本美织/深水元基/井之胁海/
  • 第12集
    7.0 难忘的夜晚/黑道的不良之爱/野兽的浪漫爱情/黑帮大佬的坏爱情/黑帮大佬的命定之夜/黑道邪爱/黑帮虐恋/不小心变成黑帮老大的男人/Mafia's Bad Love/ร้ายนักนะ รักของมาเฟีย The Series/Unforgotten Night/
  • 完结
    5.0 KWONG LOONG/
  • 8集全
    3.0 Kubilay/Aka/Mert/Yazicioglu/Alina/Boz/Selahattin/Pasali/Ipek/Filiz/Yazici/Pinar/Deniz/卡安·乌尔甘哲奥卢/Bade/Iscil/蕾·瓦蕾拉/穆菲特·卡亚坎/
  • 6集全
    9.0 布鲁诺·法古恩德斯/莱拉·加林/马西莉亚·卡尔塔舒/Filipe/Bragança/Lucy/Alves/
  • 完结
    8.0 罗嘉良/谢天华/麦长青/苏玉华/胡杏儿/苑琼丹/袁彩云/黄德斌/于洋/周骢/
  • 更新至第05集
    5.0 奈绪/矶村勇斗/三浦贵大/中尾畅树/弓削智久/殺陣剛太/三河悠冴/外原宁宁/かみちぃ/中越典子/爱原实花/近藤公园/尾美利德/笠原紳司/青山伦子/藏内秀树/永濑柚凪/今井孝祐/袴田吉彦/
  • 已完结
  • 完结
    6.0 ICAC Investigators 2016/






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